This is a custom WordPress plugin designed to display a list of stores on a website in a random order. The original idea was store owners pay the website owner to get their businesses listed. They are displayed in a responsive format that can be easily changed via CSS. As the page gets narrower, they are shifted from four columns to three, then to two. The listing consists of an image, title, city and state all of which are part of a clickable link. The link can be to the store’s website or where ever the store owner wants. When clicked, the link opens in a new tab. The plugin uses the thumbnail image, which is automatically created by WordPress when the image is uploaded, in the listing.
In the admin, the list of the businesses has all the functionality of the built in WordPress lists, pages, sort by column, bulk actions… I added in a feature to keep both the bulk action boxes synced. You can edit listings here as well as add new ones. The look and feel, including the image selector, is like all the rest of WordPress so users do not have to learn a new interface.
One idea for a future versions include giving access to business owners and adding filters. The business owners will be able to add and edit their store information. Also they will be able to pay for their listing there.
This plugin was given a major overhaul in 2021 and is now in the WordPress plugin directory.