Bluehost PHP Updates Breaking Sites

We recently had to fix a couple of WordPress websites on Bluehost that were knocked out due to them forcing a PHP update. The update modified config file and removed everything which caused the sites to stop working. After restoring the sites we checked through the...

WordPress Plugins Fall Updates

All our active plugins were updated with improved filtering for user input, including updating methods that will not be supported by PHP any more.
Directory Premium WordPress Plugin Updated

Directory Premium WordPress Plugin Updated

Version 1.2 of our premium WordPress plugin The Directory has been released. The table showing the message list has been updated to use a Javascript library called Datatables. It lets all the table data for all pages be loaded into the browser so reordering, search...
WordPress Plugins Updated

WordPress Plugins Updated

The Business Listing and Knights of Columbus State Council WordPress plugins have been updated. The main difference is that list tables (except post types ones) have been updated to use a Javascript library called Datatables. It lets the entire list be loaded into the...
New WordPress Plugin Released – Business Listings

New WordPress Plugin Released – Business Listings

Well, not totally new. Our Business Listings was originally built six years ago. It just underwent modernization with lots of security upgrades along with some improvements. It is now in the WordPress Directory. Check out its page or support its development.
Domain Scammers Warning

Domain Scammers Warning

The domain registration spam scammers have been super active the last month or so. If you get a warning about your domains expiring and it’s not from your registrar, ignore it. If it appears to be from your registrar, don’t click on any links in. Use a...
New WordPress Plugin Started

New WordPress Plugin Started

A couple days ago we started building a new WordPress plugin. It will follow our design philosophy of being lightweight and that will run fast. It will include a new table view of items. Currently we have been using the same style that WordPress core uses. This new...
New Logo

New Logo

Our new logo is done and on our website. It replaces the original banner that was a temporary one created using the Script-fu particle trace logo script. To go with it, we changed the color scheme on the website and updated the home page. We plan to add the new logo...


Besides our normal work updating clients websites and software, we’ve been upgrading our own computer systems and webserver. This will give us the ability to more video projects, better test and debug webservers and websites and develop Android and iOS apps...