The Directory WordPress Plugin




The Directory is a plugin for WordPress that provides a directory for organizations. It is designed to take care of creating email forms easier for multiple people. Each person gets a page with an email form on it. The main goal of developing this plugin was to allow a way to email people, without putting their email address on the website. Spammer bots go through websites looking for email addresses to add to spam lists. Forms are protected by hCaptcha (a free key is required to activate it). You can separate people into groups for showing different list on your site. Messages sent are stored and can be accessed under the Directory section in the admin. There are two display options for the shortcode directory list – a basic one that uses a table with all styles inherited from the theme and a box one. You can also select with groups to show in the lists. On each person’s page, the sidebar widget area is included below the about the person area. HTML and CSS developers, for custom styling you can set the id of the outermost element in the shortcode. Each person entry is a custom post type, so it inherits the WordPress functionality that goes with them. We can customize this plugin for your site; send us a message.


  • Person post types that create pages with email forms you can use in a directory.
  • hCaptcha on forms to reduce spam.
  • Shortcode for displaying a list of the people in the directory.
DISCLAIMER: Under no circumstances do we release this plugin with any warranty, implied or otherwise. We cannot be held responsible for any damage that might arise from the use of this plugin. Back up your WordPress database and files before installation. More Info


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