Website Overhauled

Here’s a website I recently overhauled. Edens Electric was an image only website, with a popup in separate window email form. Those types of websites do not work well for Search Engine Marketing since there is no actual text (search engine spiders can’t...

Recent Websites

Here are some of the sites I have been working on recently. Affordable Housekeeping & Maintenance – Cleaned up site template, designed individual page content layout and developed reviews management software. California Colors – Cleaned up site...
Alpine Designs

Alpine Designs

I have started working for a company in South Lake Tahoe called Alpine Designs. I am working on WordPress sites, regular (non-cms) websites and php programming. If you see something weird on this site, I am probably experimenting with something before putting it on...

WordPress 3.3

I just updated this site to WordPress 3.3. There was an error in the install, but I got it working now.

Bella Fiori Events Website Redeigned

The website Bella Fiori Events website ( was redesigned and two other websites were linked into it. This is a single page website that links to four Bella Fiori websites.
Handyman Hotline Tahoe

Handyman Hotline Tahoe

This WordPress website has a custom designed theme which includes pictures that change each time the page is loaded. I was given the layout and turned it into a theme. It also uses a blog to post photos for a portfolio.

New BellaFiori-Events Site Layout Coming Soon

The new layout for the BellaFiori-Events website will be up soon. In addition to a new look, there will be two more sites linked to from the page. One will be a new website for an upcoming book. The other is an existing blog, Flirty Fleurs .

New Design

I have just transitioned this site to a WordPress site. Feel free to leave comments about the new design.
Emerald Bay Towing

Emerald Bay Towing

I built this website with Alpine Designs. It is a non-wordpress site, written using HTML, CSS and PHP. It also uses the Stagecoach software I developed for Alpine Designs. Within a couple months of its launch it was scoring at the top of search engines for the...